A simple SimJulia hospital bed simulation
This simulation creates patients at random inter-arrival times. They then stay in a hospital (with unlimited beds) for a random length of stay. The code runs a bed audit once a day.
If required, set up local project environment with ] instantiate
(looks for .toml files in the same directory), and import packages. This will install SimJulia and PyPlot if not already installed.
Please see https://benlauwens.github.io/SimJulia.jl/stable/tutorial.html for a basic introduction to SimJulia and https://simjuliajl.readthedocs.io/ for a detailed description.
#] instantiate
using StatsBase
using PyPlot
using ResumableFunctions
using SimJulia
using Random, Distributions
Set up global variables
# Average time between patient arrivals
inter_arrival_time = 1
# Current beds occupied
bed_count = 0
# Average length of stay
los = 10
# Simulation duration
sim_duration = 500
# Time between bed audits
audit_interval = 1
# Audit vectors
audit_time = []
audit_beds = []
Patient pathway
@resumable function patient_pathway(env::Environment, p_los::Number)
Patient pathway:
1) Increment bed use (global variable)
2) Sample patient length of stay from exponential distribution
3) Wait length of stay
4) Decrement bed use
# Record increase in bed use
global bed_count
bed_count += 1
# Sample los from exponential distribution
los = rand(Exponential(p_los))
# Wait for patient los
@yield timeout(env, los)
# Record reduction in bed use
bed_count -= 1
patient_pathway (generic function with 1 method)
Generating new arrivals
@resumable function new_admission(
env::Environment, inter_arrival::Number, los::Number)
Continuous loop of new arrivals:
1) Sample interval until next arrival from exponential distribution
2) Wait for required interval
3) Call a new patient process
while true
# Get time to next patient arrival from exponential distribution
next_p = rand(Exponential(inter_arrival))
# Wait for next patient arrival
@yield timeout(env, next_p)
# Call patient pathway process
p = @process patient_pathway(env, los)
new_admission (generic function with 1 method)
Regular Bed Audit
@resumable function audit(env::Environment, interval::Number)
Continuous audit of beds:
1) Wait inter-audit interval
2) Add time to global audit_time vector
3) Add number of occupied beds to global bed audit vector
while true
@yield timeout(sim, interval)
global audit_time
global audit_beds
global bed_count
push!(audit_time, now(env))
push!(audit_beds, bed_count)
audit (generic function with 1 method)
function plot_beds(time, beds)
Plot occupied beds over time
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(time, beds)
ax.set_ylabel("Occupied beds")
plot_beds (generic function with 1 method)
Print summary
function print_summary(beds)
Print a summary of occupied beds statistics
println("Mean: ", round(mean(beds), digits=1))
println("Stdev: ", round(std(beds), digits=1))
println("5th percentile: ", round(percentile(beds, 5), digits=0))
println("10th percentile: ", round(percentile(beds, 10), digits=0))
println("25th percentile: ", round(percentile(beds, 25), digits=0))
println("50th percentile: ", round(percentile(beds, 50), digits=0))
println("75th percentile: ", round(percentile(beds, 75), digits=0))
println("90th percentile: ", round(percentile(beds, 90), digits=0))
println("95th percentile: ", round(percentile(beds, 95), digits=0))
println("Max: ", round(maximum(beds), digits=0))
print_summary (generic function with 1 method)
Main simulation call
# Set up simulation environment
sim = Simulation()
# Set up starting processes (pass environment to process)
@process new_admission(sim, inter_arrival_time, los)
@process audit(sim, audit_interval)
# Run simulation (pass simulation time)
run(sim, sim_duration)
plot_beds(audit_time, audit_beds)
Mean: 10.3
Stdev: 2.9
5th percentile: 6.0
10th percentile: 7.0
25th percentile: 8.0
50th percentile: 10.0
75th percentile: 12.0
90th percentile: 14.0
95th percentile: 16.0
Max: 19.0